One day I ran across @shopaddymay on Instagram and I browsed through a super cute kids boutique page. Then when I really started looking through the page I realized that this boutique was ran by a rodeo kid! Not an old one like me though 😉 Addy May Hass is 7 years old and owns her own boutique, kids clothes picked out by a kid! Addy is the daughter of Steer Wrestler Clayton Hass, she’s grown up on the rodeo road and come to find out she’s quite the little #girlboss.
So I added a quick picture to my story shouting her out because DUH she’s the cutest and it just got cuter from there! I received the SWEETEST little voice message from the CEO herself saying “thanksssss girl” and a message that Addy was a big fan of mine, she thought that my shout out just might make her famous! Well first of all she’s my new favorite person AND no girl I am a big fan of you! I knew we had to have her on the blog because I support all the rodeo kids and I support all the girl bosses of present and future. Addy is BOTH! She’ll be at market with us in meetings in NO TIME!

SO I sent over an interview to Addy’s team, or “co-workers” (rodeo moms really do THE MOST as the kids would say these days and Addy’s is no different) who help a little in the departments a second grader needs a some guidance on…and they gave it to Addy. Addy is a busy girl, she’s got school, (like me), she’s got a travel schedule with her Dad, she’s running after her little brother, sister (her favorite models to hire) AND she’s got quite the pony collection. But she found time for our interview and here it is….

How old are you?
What grade are you in?
Why did you want to open a boutique?
Because I think it is FUN
What is your favorite part of being the boss of your very own boutique?
Traveling & ALL the clothes
Do your parents help you?
Do you let your little brothers and sisters model for you?
Yes, Mac is sometimes a good model….

What is your favorite color?
Turquoise (just another thing we have in common)
Do you get to pick out the clothes you sell?
Sometimes, I LOVE picking the clothes
Would you rather wear a dress or a skirt?
Do you like photoshoots?
Yes, only with Gypsy Vanners & ponies & little kid models it is fun.
What do you like about being a rodeo kid?
When my dad wins because I get more toys (same girl same)

What is the thing you MUST take in the trailer when you go to the rodeos?
Toy horses
What is your favorite outfit?
Our senorita fringe dress with pink sparkle boots
Would you rather wear tennis shoes or boots?
Tennis Shoes, but I LOVE my sparkly Tanner Mark boots we carry at my boutique!
What do you want to tell other girls who want to have a boutique?
Start with clothes you love
Would you rather wear a bow or a hat?

Tell me about your ponies!
Where do I start:
Elisa: Pregnant, rescue mare
Mae: Our trick Pony- She is forsale
Billy: He can pull CARTS

Why do you think kids should shop at your boutique?
Our clothes are colorful & our boots are sparkly.
Well you heard the girl, her clothes are comfy and her boots are sparkly y’all what more do we want???? If you want to see Addy May’s boutique for yourself she is very excited to be headed to Vegas this year! At Cowboy Christmas upstairs booth #1925! There will be BIG bows and CUTE clothes, plus a braid bar on both Saturdays during the NFR and other special guests and surprises 😉
Follow Addy May on Instagram & Facebook!